lunes, 8 de abril de 2019

Second term activities in 2º ESO

     In this second term we have done some activities that let our students practise their oral skills, improve their writing and reading and enjoy their learning at its most ;)

         - On the 12th of February we went to the old town to participate in an activiy called 'Cáceres, an impressionist city' It was an activity together with other High Schools and schools from Cáceres to commemorate the European artistic, literary and scientific panorama of the 19th century.

         That day, our students showed the tales they had been written in class. They were very special versions of the popular tale ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ set in the city of Cáceres The students desinged and draw amazing pictures to illustrate their tales. Here we can see some of them.


        On the 20th March we prepared some poems to celebrate ‘The Poetry Day’ together with the other groups from our High School on the 21st March.

       The students selected some classical and contemporary British, Irish and American poets and wrote down some of their rhymes in coloured papers. The poems were all hang together in the High School gallery and the result was an amazing poetry wall.


- On Thursday 21st Marchwe had a very special visit. A group of students from Stockholm together with Spanish students from their host school, IES Norba Caesarina de Cáceres, came to our class to present to our class part of their Erasmus+ project.

          The activity had to do with bullying and how teenagers can fight against it in everday situations, both at school and at home.
      We worked in groups and we talked about situations, solutions, feelings....We watched a video the students had desgined for the project, and we listened to an english song a Swedish student had created for this session.

It was a fantastic experience and we had the opportunity to think about universal teenage problems beyond nationality, language or culture.


 Ana Cascos Pérez, profesora inglés

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