miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021


 During the third term, students from 1st ESO 15 have continued working on their Smart Legends Project. In the second stage of the project, students transferred their legends onto an augmented reality environment using Cospaces Edu and Merge Cubes.

Thanks to this tool, pupils were able to put their knowlede of English into practice in order to write their legends in an attrative and motivating way, as well as gamified in a way as a set of small challenges were  created for each of the Merge cubes. We were, thus, developing not only their linguistic competence, but also their digital one since this tool includes a coding component that allows students to insert actions, movements and reactions. 

On this ocassion, students were asked to work individually although it has to be said that this kind of project promotes cooperative work, dialogue among peers as well as design, critical and creative thinking, that can lead to problem solving thinking when obstacles arise.

The final activity consisted of doing a virtual tour  through our augmented reality legends during the Cultural Week in our school using the QR codes and links that we inserted in a presentation created with Slidesmania. Students had th chance to take part in a competition in which they had to solve the different challenges in each cube. We really enjoyed it!

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