lunes, 20 de junio de 2022


 We are waiting for holidays.....we have had a great year but it't time for other things to come: getting up late, going to the pool, meeting friends........

We want you to have good memories from this year so we have prepared this pin from the bilingual section for you all!!

    Hope you have a great summertime!





 Entrevista con el director de nuestro centro.

 Students from 1ºESO have worked on an interview with Juan Payo, our school's principal. 

  Last Friday we had the chance tohave a funny meeting with him. We asked him questions about different things regarding the school and his career path.

   Here you are the transcription of the interview. 



     Hello! We are students from 1ESO 10/15 and we have some questions for you.

STUDENTS: When and where were you born?

PRINCIPAL:   I was born in 1964 in a little village in the North of Extremadura called Eljas.

S: How old are you?

P: As I was born in 1964 I am 58 years old.

S: Are you married?

P: yes, I am

S: How many children have you got?

P: I have two daughters, Laura and Beatriz.

S: What is your favourite food?

P: My favourite food is rice.

S: What’s your favourite colour?

P: I think my favourite colour is red.

S: Do you like travelling?

P: Yes, very much.

S: What is your favourite country?

P: My favourite country is Canada. I travelled there in 2010 and I loved it.

S: What time do you get up?

P: I get up at 7 o’clock every day.

S: How long have you been working?

P: I have been working as a teacher since 1987

S: Why do you like your profession?

P: I don’t know, because I have worked as a teacher for a very long time.

S: Do you like your school?

P: Of course! It’s the best school!!

S: When do you

P: I don’t know, it’s a difficult question. Maybe because I started here when I was younger and maybe I wanted to end up in the school as a headmaster.

S: What teachers do you have the best relationship with?

P: I prefer not to answer this question hahaha

S: Do you have any good relationship with the students?

P: Yes, I think I have a good relationship with some students.

S: Do you have in mind to improve the furniture?

P: yes!! Every day we have this idea in mind!

S: Are you going to put a cafeteria?

P: It’s a difficult question. I think about it every day but the school has no space for it.

S: how did you get the idea to create the zellet?

P: It’s a fantastic idea!

S: Would you like to see our school in a different way?

P: Oh! Yes but as the school changes every day, I don’t think much about the future.

S: Have you got a new project in mind?

P: of course! I have in mind my retirement!! 

       Thank you very much!! have a good summer!!



   Here you are two interesting videos about the last Maths classes Lara had with her students from 1ºESO.

    Hope you like them!!!


viernes, 17 de junio de 2022


Treasure hunt

After measuring the school, we drew and digitised the plan of the school.

Once the plan was ready, we went out into the playground and held an orienteering gymkhana. 

The pupils were divided into groups to hide clues and mark them on the map. Then they exchanged maps and the search began.

We had a great time!

Búsqueda del tesoro

Tras medir el instituto,hemos dibujado y digitalizado el plano del centro.

Una vez listo el plano hemos salido al patio y hemos realizado una gimkana de orientación. 

Los alumnos divididos por grupos escondían pistas y las marcaban en el plano. Después intercambiaban planos y comenzaba la búsqueda.

¡Lo hemos pasado genial!

lunes, 6 de junio de 2022



Queen Elizabeth II's platinum jubilee was celebrated from 2 to 5 June.

Do you want to know more about this celebration?

Click on the images below to find out more.

Del 2 al 5 de junio se celebró el jubileo de platino de la Reina Isabel II

¿Quieres saber más sobre esta celebración?

Pincha en las siguientes imágenes para conocer más datos sobre ello.

click on the image to get information in Spanish

click on the image to read information in English



jueves, 2 de junio de 2022


 Sadly Alejandra and Grant have finished their classes with us. Thank you for all that you have taught us and given us during these months. 

It has been a privilege to learn about your countries and culture first hand. 

   Best of luck for the future!!!!

Tristemente Alejandra y Grant ha terminado sus clases con nosotros. Gracias por todo lo que nos habéis enseñado y aportado durante estos meses. Conocer sobre vuestros países y cultura de primera mano ha sido todo un privilegio. 

   ¡Mucha suerte en vuestro futuro!


miércoles, 1 de junio de 2022


 Last Thursday, the graduation ceremony of our 4th ESO students took place in the Palacio de Congresos in Cáceres. 

It was an event full of music, dance, speeches, reflections and encouragement for the new stage of these kids.

We wish you all the luck in the world in your new stage!

El pasado jueves tuvo lugar, en el palacio de congresos de Cáceres,  el acto de graduación de nuestros alumnos de 4ª de ESO. 

Fue un acto lleno de música, baile, discursos, reflexiones y ánimos para la nueva etapa de estos chicos.

¡¡Os deseamos toda la suerte del mundo en vuestra nueva etapa!!